
Gadget Book: A Day in Code

Basically – as an alternative to learning Scratch, say, or other simplified drag-and-drop programming interfaces – it’s a fully illustrated story written in C itself. After an initial introduction to its basic structure and syntax, the characters in the story – a boy and girl – decide to record their next day’s activities in the language.

“This story of an epic day describes real-life situations with C computer programs presented next to beautiful full-page illustrations. You’ll see how activities like making a pancake breakfast and playing a game of bowling are described in simple C programs!

You will learn important programming concepts and C programming fundamentals from the story’s C programs and code explanations. Variables, functions, for loops, while loops, if/else statements…it’s all covered in this entertaining tale. You can run each program in the book on your computer, play with the code, and gain the knowledge to write your own programs!”

The author of the self-published book is Shari Eskenas, an entrepreneur and electrical engineer who creates products that involve programming microcontrollers in the C programming language.

Ana Quintero Villafraz is the illustrator.

Also, note that the author is creating a Python version of the book called A Day in Code: Python. You can buy it or back it via the IndieGoGo crowdfunding site.

A Day in Code details

Title: A Day in Code: An illustrated story written in the C programming language
Author: Shari Eskenas
Publisher: Sundae Electronics LLC
Date: November 2020
Pages: 34
ISBN-13: 978-1735907918
Cost: from £10.50 (paperback)
Format: Hardback, paperback, e-book


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