Arduino IDE updated for faster compilation times and auto-completion

Arduino IDE updated for faster compilation times and auto-completion


Arduino IDE updated for faster compilation times and auto-completion

This, of course, is the software you use when you program any Arduino board, when you’re doing your electronics prototyping. The board manager is pictured above.

Promised in the update are faster compilation times, auto-completion (see below), code navigation, and a live debugger. Generally, “a better overall user experience” and “a more responsive interface”. Excellent.

Arduino writes:

Thanks to an extensible framework based on modular board support packages, the IDE supports more than 1,000 official and non-official boards; it’s translated in 66 languages, mentioned by more than 3,000 books and is still growing: during the last year, it was downloaded more than 39 million times.

Under the hood, they say, it’s still based on the arduino-cli command line tool

The Arduino IDE 2.0 beta is available for download and its code repositories become open source today.

Note the beta status, which means you may hit some minor issues. Arduino says it will be collecting community feedback in order to release a stable version soon.

Arduino can be described as an open-source hardware, software, and content platform. It has an estimated worldwide community of around 30 million active users.

See alsoArduino, and Pi Pico, builds on the Raspberry Pi RP2040


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