door opener, bottle opener and touch stick in one

door opener, bottle opener and touch stick in one


Even before the Corona pandemic, door handles on public toilets or buttons on subway elevators were things you didn’t like to touch. Fortunately, as always, there is a suitable gadget from China to save all Germophobes. With this door hook every door and every beer can be opened germ-free.

Door hook design

The 10 x 4 x 0.5 cm door opener is available in black, white, gold and rose gold. The door opener has a hook with which you can open doors, who would have thought it. But also a bottle opener and a rubber tip. The tip can be used to operate the smartphone, because (everyone knows this fact anyway) the cell phone display harbors about a hundred times more bacteria than our toilets. In winter, the rubber tip is also handy if you don’t want to freeze your fingers off or if you don’t have heated gloves.

Door hook on the key ring
For maximum style, you can attach the hook directly to your pants via keychain.

Already disinfected today?

According to the German Pharmacopoeia, disinfection means: “to put dead or living material into a condition that it can no longer infect”. It is often preached to wash hands as often as possible to avoid infection. However, instead of always washing your hands, it makes much more sense to disinfect your hands. In fact, it has been noted that since the Corona Crisis, the number of itchy hand eczema has increased. This is because washing hands not only removes dirt, but also important grease components. So remember, it’s better to disinfect your hands instead of just washing them.

Washing hands


The year 2020 has given us all a new awareness of hygiene and cleanliness. Those who would have laughed at this gadget a year ago may not find it so bad today after all. Those who are really afraid of bacteria and germs can certainly use it to alleviate their panic at doors and ATMs. Otherwise, washing your hands, disinfecting and not touching your face is enough, I think. What do you think of the gadget? Funny, practical or complete nonsense? Alternatively, we also looked at a door opener from UVict.

To the gadget

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